Standing in the Gap — no.4b

— prayer for children accused of being witches.

We do not want to dominate you by telling you how to put your faith into practice. We want to work together with you so you will be full of joy, for it is by your own faith that you stand firm. 2 Corinthians 1:24 (NIV)

Today's theme:

Strengthening relationships between Christian partners abroad and the UK to raise awareness of safeguarding children from these accusations.

Increasingly there is a need to offer support to faith organisations and churches working out of the UK who serve children and young people from diverse communities in other countries. Many different forms of work are undertaken by a wide range of organisations, including orphanages, schools, child sponsorship, skills training to help create economic and community sustainability, and also different types of humanitarian aid.

Providing specialist advice regarding the complexities of working in other countries under different jurisdictions, while at the same time upholding the principles of God’s biblical mandate, is an enormous challenge. There is an increased need to bridge the gap between UK–based Christian organisations who have links with churches and faith groups overseas, in order to raise awareness of the importance of safeguarding to protect all vulnerable people, especially children. We need knowledge, wisdom, and resources to help ensure best practice is translated and implemented with cultural understanding, contextual awareness, and sensitivity.

Father, please show us how to build and sustain strong relationships. Let there be no insurmountable obstacles.

Let us pray…

Father God, may our efforts to reach out to those who are key to positive change not be in vain. Please show us how to build and sustain strong relationships. For those organisations which exist to fulfil your work, let there be no insurmountable obstacles in their path.

Father God, we ask for strong, valuable partnerships that will help to bridge the gaps which have been identified, and ensure effective safeguarding in these organisations and the communities they serve. We also pray for an increased understanding, love, and respect across nations, and that your name will be gloried in every area of work. Amen.

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03 Jul

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